Resume from Where You Stopped
Miro will remember where you stopped watching a video and will start at that point when you play it again.
Play Almost Anything
Forget about the format wars. Miro can play MPEG, Quicktime, AVI, H.\264, Divx, Windows Media, Flash Video, and almost every other major video format.
One After Another
Set your Miro preferences to either play videos one after another (in the order they appear) or to play a video then stop. If you have Miro set to play videos one after another, you can always right-click on an individual video and have it play then stop.
Miro adalah salah satu media player terbaik yang dapat memainkan hampir semua file audio dan video. Merupakan produk no. 1 hasil review para pakar software di CNET.COM. Bagi yang berminat atau menambah koleksi media player, bisa langsung disedoot Miro Offline Installer nya.
Miro V. Offline Installer
Author: Participatory Culture Foundation
Date: 2011-07-24
Size: 38.85 MB
License: Freeware
Requires: Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7
For free download, please click here
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